Looking for a good 2.1 Setup

23 Oct 2003
I have decided to ditch my current 7.1 setup - I never use it to its potential, and it's such a pain to setup in my room correctly. So, I am opting to go for a decent 2.1 setup instead. I am looking to spend upto £100 but no more. I have had a look around and I'm lost in a sea of facts and figures that mean nothing to me.

My main use of the speakers is music and I have a very wide range in tastes, so something that can pump out heavy metal and rock to classical, dance to jazz is needed. The second main use is for movies, and finally the odd game. I also need them to cope with quite sounds as well as no distortion up fairly high though I can appreciate it is not always possible.

So, some guidance in the right direction would be appreciated.
Another vote for the Aegos, brilliant speakers. If you're looking for loudness go for something like the Logitech Z-2300, but it won't sound as good overall. The Aegos get a bit distorted at high volumes so they're not really suited to that kind of use.
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