Looking for a Meat.

16 Nov 2010
Swimming in a lake
Ok, basically, I need a meat that I can roast on Sunday, and eat for Dinner until Friday evening.

I realise that's quite a long after cook life, so am just wondering if there's actually a meat that would be able to do this, or if there is any way around this?

Basically it saves me a lot of time, not having to cook the meat every evening. Previously I was doing a Roast chicken on Sunday, and Fajita's every night (incl Friday). It worked out really quite well :) But this gives a rough idea of what I'm looking for. I did start to think though that maybe that wasn't the best idea...

Is there anyway around it? I.e. could I cook the Chicken then freeze half of it until Wednesday? or what do we reckon?

Hoping that makes sense :)

What I'd do is either freeze some of it, or - on about Wednesday - cook whatever is left into a curry or whatever. Once it's been re-cooked it should be fine for a few days.

In fact, I usually cook some of it up, and freeze it. That way you can stagger in meats from previous weeks to add some more variety to what you are eating.

I did consider, freezing about half of it once cooked and then defrosting it on about Wednesday. Think this might be the best option. Although might try a belly of pork anyway, just because I've always wondered what it's like :)

If you're going to cook-freeze-defrost, then it's important that you cook it when you defrost. You shouldn't freeze it, defrost and then keep it as if it were cooked meat :)

How long would I have to cook it for? As in would it be ok to just fry it for a couple of minutes? Or would it have to be a stew or the such like?

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