Looking for a monitor recommendation

13 Apr 2017
Hi friends of Overclockers UK,

I'm hoping you might be able to assist me in a search for a new monitor to complement my recently upgraded PC.
I've currently got a R7 2700 paired with a Gigabyte Windforce 1060 6gb.

Up until now, I've been gaming on a Toshiba 22inch television (50hz) at 1080p.

I've done a bit of research and asking around (I don't know much about monitors) and it seems my best bet would be either an ultra-wide or going for a 144hz screen.
I've currently found an option for both of these which looks appealing to me.
I'm hoping to spend £200-£270

Increased Hz screen: https://uk-store.acer.com/kg1-gamin...lmHoOWBBWsJBB8qxJLBnRzxgK3cmPFCQaAvMGEALw_wcB

Ultra-wide screen: http://www.lg.com/uk/monitors/lg-29UM68

If you have any opinions on either of these, or could steer me in the direction of a better one, please let me know!

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