Looking for a multimontor software that can allow easy rotation of monitor orientation by monitor using hotkeys

19 Oct 2002
Auckland, New Zealand

As per title really. I use 3 screens and when looking at long documents its often better to turn one of the 27" screens in to portait. Changing the orentation is a cubmersome process and using ctrl-alt-<arrow key> only affects the primary screen which is my laptop screen. Is there any software out there that allows me to rotate a screens orientation based upon where the mouse is located using a hotkey, e.g. monitor 2 is roated to portrait, move mouse to monitor 2, press hotkey for portrait, windows changes monitor 2's orientation and leaves the others in landscape (or what ever mode I have selected).

Is there software that can do this? I've tried displayfusion and while you can configure monitor profiles with hotkeys, these are not universal and are assigned by monitor statically.


This should be part of MS Power Toys one day (I think it's been requested).

Can you set up hotkeys with the display driver?
Thanks dup. The hotkeys only affect the primary screen which is my laptop, but the two main 27"ers get rotated at different times so its annoying to have to rotate the screen and then change the orientation as the mouse goes all screwy... I mean this is what I currently do so I cna do it but I wanted a nice and easy approach that could apply to any screen that I was wanting to change the orientation for.. seems odd that windows hasn't got this as a dynamic option.
Had a look and found a tool called "Display" which might be what you are looking for:

You could easily create a few batch files and setup keyboard combo/shortcuts to run them, an old reply/answer on the page:
The version there today (Version 1.2 (build 14)) does have an option to specify which monitor to rotate: display /device 2 /rotate 90
Glen Little Dec 22, 2013 at 22:31
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