Looking for a new case...

9 Mar 2003
I need could do with reducing the size of my pc down a lot (in a PC75 atm :O). My room next term at uni is going to be tini so space is very limmited.

I really could do with it being as small as possible, maybie even in a HTPC style case. What are my options?

It needs to fit Full ATX motherboard, 7800GTX and a Hyper Type-R PSU. I would prefer full ALU but im not too fussed if its not but it has to look nice.
I used to have a PC60(heavily modded), they are nice cases but i kinda fancy somthing a little different.

Budget wise, upto about £150 i can go more for somthing special tho.
Thanks for the sugestions, Im really looking at the V600 and LC17. Someone from silverstone has said that getting a GTX into the LC17 and i may have to remove the middle hard disk rack. But thats not really an issue as i dont have loads of drives. Im going to wait for more reviews of the V600 before i decide, there may be issues with cirtain big heatsinks not fitting inside the case.
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