If you can Spare £30 more, the Toshiba RD-XS24 meets your requirements.
I can't say how good it is, but most of the Tosh RD-XS series has been pretty popular. The XS24 is one that I've been cosidering to replace my SD340E (non recordable).
Thanks Ben but from all the reviews i've read of this player it doesn't support divx and they specifically say so. Can you tell me where you lifted that info from please?
Looking through more reviews (especially european reviews) it seems that some sites tell you that it does support divx and some say not - i'm confused?!?!
edit: The more reviews i read now it does support divx!!
It's odd... The Toshiba's site doesn't state DivX. (which might cause some confusion). However a lot of the reputable sites stocking the XS24 do state DivX compatability
Unfortunately I think most of the sites that sell it are competitors (mainly because they also sell LCD or Plasma TVs). So can't really list any of the sites selling it that state DivX compatability.
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