Looking for a new MP3 player

9 Mar 2006
I've had an Iriver H120 for about 4 years now and its served me brilliantly as an mp3 player, but unfortunately its time has come to an end. Im looking to get a new player and i've been browsing the market and im a little dissapointed to see that Iriver don't seem to really do large capacity models any more. Heres what im looking for:

Capacity: at least 20Gb, preferably higher.

must be usable as a hard drive (i.e. i can just drop files into it rather than using any software)

have an LCD screen on the remote (i haven't seen this in any other players, does it exist? i can't believe more don't have it, its so useful)

must not be an ipod

so what are my options? a friend recommended the 60Gb Zen Vision M, is this a good player?
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