Looking for a new sandbox online game

18 Oct 2002
My wife and I started playing Tree of Life ( http://store.steampowered.com/app/361800/Tree_of_Life/ ) and initially it was great fun, however with very few other players around it's getting boring quite quickly.

We loved the graphics, crafting, exploration and base building aspect of it. We're looking for a similar game where the focus is on base building, crafting etc but with a more active player base. PvP is cool but of secondary importance to us really. I've tried Terraria, Minecraft and Rust but haven't liked any of them.

Any recommendations for a similar type of game? There's so many sandbox games on Steam it's hard to pick the gems out. Ta :)
Ylands and The Forest look interesting, thanks for the suggestions. I know the sandbox genre is a bit old hat now but I've only just gotten into it. Subnautica looks like it might be an option for when I'm playing alone..
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