Looking for a pair of headphone

18 Oct 2002
My Grandad is very hard of hearing and likes to listen to music with headphones. His current set is broken and is looking for a replacement at around £40. He's asked me to find a pair but i'm pretty clueless.

I'm thinking it would be best to get a closed pair as he's hard of hearing and will have them up loud? What are wireless headphones like? Any good makes i should be looking for? Sennheiser perhaps?

Sennheiser are good definitely. I have had several pairs over the years and always been impressed with the performance. I currently hae the HD 555 but they are around £60.
They do several in your budget - especially if you look around :)
Never used wireless myself but from reading and speaking to others they are usually lower performnce in terms of quality at any price point. Unless wireless is a must wired are the way to go.
Another make to look at is Grado.

I would guess the former as he's hard of hearing, he will have them quite loud so it would be best if the sound didn't leak. He plugs them into the hi fi to listen to tv/radio and cds (classical music)
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