Looking for a program that secures/locks files from other users on the same computer.

17 Jul 2011
Basically I journal ... dear diary type of stuff. I have hundreds of old entries. I prefer these to be private. I tend to use wordpad for this.

I was using a program called lock a folder ... or something and thought this was hiding and securing the folder - but it was only hiding it (needed a password to unhide) but not keeping the journal entries from something simple as the recent list when you search. Basically I could still bring up my journals from the recent search.

I prefer something where I could lock/hide a folder and have this be secured by a password and not be in the recent tab or one that doesnt load them up if clicking on it. Doesnt have to be hightech etc ... I prefer the whole folder instead of individual documents password protected.

Just create an encrypted volume using VeraCrypt (which was forked from TrueCrypt which has been around for years).

All you then do is double-click the veracrypt file, enter your password, and it mounts it as a removeable drive that you can do whatever you want with. When you're done just unmount it and you're good to go.
Just create an encrypted volume using VeraCrypt (which was forked from TrueCrypt which has been around for years).

All you then do is double-click the veracrypt file, enter your password, and it mounts it as a removeable drive that you can do whatever you want with. When you're done just unmount it and you're good to go.

ok thanks Ill take a look at that. This the best option then? so removable drive so the files dont disappear then when unmounted?
Would be easy enough to create a guest account with a password and then apply a local group policy to that account, not allowing access to other files/folders.
ok thanks Ill take a look at that. This the best option then? so removable drive so the files dont disappear then when unmounted?

Yeah, everything is kept.

It should be very secure as it uses high-end widely used encryption algorithms. It even has a "plausible deniability" mode where you can set-up two passwords on your container. Password1 = access the real hidden stuff you don't want people to see and Password2 = access to some stuff you've put in there to look like it's really the things you want to hide but it's just a facade. You probably don't need that unless you're a drug dealer or something though :p
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