Looking for a similar game as these...

27 May 2007
Front of the monitor
Hi all,

Here's hoping you all know some games similar as to Skyrim and Fallout: New Vegas. Although not played New Vegas I am looking for somehting along those lines, but would prefer a game where you wont have to do any modifications, just start and play so to speak (yes, I know, can play it vanilla but if it like Skyrim be more fun with the mods. :) )

A modern kind of game, where you use Guns and Rifles, not Swords and Bows. :p But part from that, long quests, side quests, level up and using a skill tree, is there any other games like that around ??

Thank you for any and all suggestions, greatly appreciated. :)
Thanks for all suggestions, much appreciated ! :)


Borderlands is well worth a shout.

Although its words and such again, the witcher 2 is a stunning game.

Had a look at Broderlands but wasn't sure, will again though. :) And yes, checked out the Witcher series due to bought a 970 and got the Witcher 3 code for it when it is out, not decided if I be playing through Witcher 1 and 2 first though. Third one suppose to be payable without played 1 and 2 though so will see.. =)

Divinity 2. Not quite open world like Skyrim, but a very good and often overlooked game.

Thanks, will have a look at Divinity 2 and see what it's like. =)

New Vegas is awesome. With or without mods.

So... you want a game like New Vegas... but you haven't played New Vegas...

Have you considered New Vegas? Sounds like it would be a perfect match for what you're after :p

Not played it myself no, but seen the game in action so know roughly what's it's about. Just was hoping to find a non modding game and jump right into it. Love Skyrim but sometimes spend to much time chcking out mods then playing. :o

Just play New Vegas, your reasoning makes no sense.


It's a great game. I've just finished it for the 3rd time.

Yeah I know, my reasoning is a tad flawed but as above, seen it in action and was hoping for something similar without mods and bit more modern looking game so to speak. Most likely will get New Vegas and playthrough it anyway one day. :)
You'll miss a bit of the backstory by not playing the previous games, but I can't imagine too much, although I'd definitely recommend playing 2 - I only played it recently, but it's definitely one of my top 10. It'll also give your 970 a good workout if you crank the settings right up ;)

Okis, might buy it then. And the 970 is in my spare machine, got 2x290's in my main one. ;)

New Vegas is definitely worth playing through, even without mods :)

Found the game in a online shop over here, they had a buy 3 pay for 2 deal so got New Vegas: Ultimate Edition for about £5 in that deal. :) Take a couple days before getting it though since it is a proper Disc and all ! :eek:

Just stop what you are doing and play New Vegas. The best RPG ever made.

Yeah I got the message loud and clear from everyone so as above, have ordered it now. :o
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