Looking for a text adventure game - any of these still exist?

30 Mar 2016
East Lothian
After playing Stories Untold recently, which is mostly done in a retro text adventure style, and really enjoying it I was wondering if there are any text adventure games out there available for PC aside from using a Spectrum emulator? Couldn't find a text adventure tag on Steam...
Thanks for all the responses. I found a top 30 text adventures list after a google search (link below) which lists some of the aforementioned Infocom games. I clicked on the link for a game on this list called Vespers which led me to downloading a Z-Machine Interpretor (whatever this is/was?) and to finding sites with databases of literally thousands of 'IFs' (interactive fiction). I had a shot of the adventure/story and it is really good fun to play though although the interpreter I downloaded only displays text, where as I think there is a version of the game with illustrations and sounds. So I haven't found exactly what I was looking for as I was hoping for more of a 'game' with sounds and illustrations to go along with the text adventure but I think I could really enjoy these 'Interactive Fictions' if only I could spare the time - as things stand I can't get enough hours in the day to play my beloved 'video games'...


Still on the look out for a modern text adventure in the style of Untold Stories if anyone reading this thread knows of any, I'd be very grateful for a steer.
Not sure if it strictly counts as a text adventure but https://jonnocode.itch.io/the-house-abandon is free and very, very highly thought of; plus, who can't not love the old screechy loading music *drifts off in a wave of nostalgia* :D

There is a pack on Steam with a remixed version of The House Abandon called Stories Untold

Yeah thanks I just completed that game - it's this game the put me on the hunt for more games like it...
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