looking for a video

29 Jul 2003
hi guys

i remember there was a video clip on BBC website, a biker got killed by going too fast.

he overtook about 5 cars, a car tried to overtook as well and made a small contact with the motorbike. the motorbike moved into incoming traffic and got killed instantly. think it was a white van. the clip did not showed the impact thou.

the video were recorded by a biker behind

anybody know this video?

Was it in the UK?

Yup it was, i remember the clip in question as it was in a thread in the cars section that got really heated & closed in the end, it was a year or 2 ago, possibly slightly longer.

It was some born again/weekend warrior "filtering" around 80 - 90mph, clipped the side of a car that was pulling out to overtake, crashed the bike into oncoming traffic, going straight under an oncoming camper van, where he got wedged, being dismembered in the process.

The footage was released at his inquest, in short it was a tool, behaving like a dick, paying the all to inevitable price for his idiocy.

What an absolute tool. It's bikers like them that give us a bad name. Reckless idiots. That driver and the rider's family have to live with that now. I hope his friend learns from that.
Still a harsh video. Truck driver never looked, but filtering like that, is again rolling the dice.
Its that time of year where they start all the shock tactics :p maybe they should show my video for a THINK Biker advert ;)

Another one Dorset police are showing now, I will post it on the video thread.
Reckless overtaking, but still cannot understand the driver who hit him moving out at that point - It's not like there was a safe car over take there either?!
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