Looking for an in-depth review on the 17" MBP

8 Nov 2005
Unfortunately my Googling skills (or lack of them) are letting me down and I can't find a thorough review of the unibody 17" MBP that goes into detail on the differences between the glossy and matte screens, supported colour spaces, display gamut, accuracy before/after calibration, etc.

Ultimately it's going to have to be me who makes the final decision after having seen the two models side-by-side, but I'd still like to be armed with as much information as possible before I do so. So would any of you happen to have seen such a review or know where I might narrow my search down to?

So far the best I've found was the Gizmodo and Engadget reviews but neither of them is quite what I'm after.
Not a bad place to start as it answers some of my questions and makes for an interesting read.

All I need now is something really in-depth about the screen itself.
Perhaps take a trip to your nearest Apple Store and have a look in person?
I'm hoping to find one that's local-ish with a 17" matte in stock, but it's not looking promising.

Depends on the what your gonna use it for.

If you are going to be designing stuff on it, Image/Video edditing i'd go for the Glossy. The image quality is amazing.
But if your mainly going to be putting a movie on then sitting back and watching it, i would go for the Matte for the anti-glare but the picture aint as pretty.
Really? That's almost exactly the opposite of what I would have thought.

I've got a 15" MBP sat in front of me right now and I'm finding the screen incredibly difficult to get on with. I'm sat in an environment much like where I'd be using the MBP for work and the glossy screen is really distracting. I keep focusing on my reflection rather than the items on the screen.

I just don't know if I'm going to learn to 'see' it properly or if it's a lost cause already.
If you don't like the glossy 15 you wont like the glossy 17. End of story.
Well, that's sort of my point here.

I don't really like the glossy screen on this 15", but it's a question of would I find the matte more usable.

I'm just hoping to gather some informed opinions before I (hopefully) see one for myself.

While I can't comment specifically on the 17" MBP if you're using it in any capacity that requires colour accuracy (Graphic design, photo editing etc.) then you would be much better off with a matt screen.
I figure you know roughly where I'm coming from so I certainly appreciate your opinion on this.

Thank you.
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