Looking for bands similar to Oasis and Ocean Colour Scene

20 Sep 2003
Lately I have been listening to the same stuff round and round and though I love it I want to try and find some new stuff. I have been listening to Oasis and Ocean Colour Scene and these are my favourite bands but I want to find similar stuff. I was introduced to Belle and Sebastian recently and I’m really liking their stuff, its all great summer sounding music. Right now I’m sitting at work listening to The Who, its good but maybe a bit too old.

I have tried searching on google for a site I remember seeing before where you could enter the name of a band it would give you recommendations of similar bands. But I cant find it again :(

So I thought the guys on OCUK would no doubt have some suggestions :)
You need the entire Shed Seven back catalogue, including 2004's One Hand Clapping. I listened to that album more that year than Don't Believe The Truth... and I listened to that a lot!
Yeah i do like some of Shed 7 mainloy Chasing Rainbows and Devil in Your Shoes but haven't really listened to much of their stuff. Same goes for the Charlatans, i like the tune Tellin Stories but haven't listened to much else. I'll get it queued up on Spotify, thanks guys :)
Charlatans are really good. but how about this:

It's worth the time it might take to get into the stone roses. Might not quite click the first time but stick with it.
You need the entire Shed Seven back catalogue, including 2004's One Hand Clapping. I listened to that album more that year than Don't Believe The Truth... and I listened to that a lot!

My mate is in the Shed Seven video of Chasing Rainbows, the two Gangster looking guys in the carriage, he's the one on the left :D

On Standby is an awesome song too.
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