Looking for good speakers

11 Sep 2008
Northern Ireland
Looking for good speakers for gaming computer, any ideas? I was looking at the creative inspire t10, but i wanted to hear what you guys think are the best, or what you would recommend.

thanks in advance
How much do you have to spend? Can you go over £30? If you could you could go to £78 you could get the GigaWorks T40 which are a cracking little set for the price
Acoustic Energy Aego Ms are probably the best 2.1 PC speakers, I've got a set and they're amazing. They're a lot pricier than the T10s you're looking at but they're definitely worth it.
Depends on the budget really. Also for games a 5.1 offers a better experience but if you have a limited budget then a good 2.1 speaker will walk over same priced 5.1 solutions.
Can you please give is some idea of how much you are willing to spend?
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