Looking for HVO100 C02 production costs

10 Oct 2012
I'm looking to find white papers or studies about the C02 emissions from producing and transporting biodiesel such as HVO/HVO100. Currently HVO is very promising when it is in your car and the numbers for emissions are readily available, however, the numbers for production and transportation seems like a well guarded secret which is worrying. So any help find the numbers(with proper source citation) will be greatly appreciated.
We use HVO in some of our plant. We got nowhere near the claimed fuel economy or co2 figures despite hundreds of hours of testing.
What claimed C02 figures and mileage are you referring to? I've been using it in my car 2 times now(full tanks, so like 95/5 mix) and from what I understand the mileage should be the same as regular diesel(B7 here in Denmark). I certainly don't get less fuel economy with HVO100 but I also don't get more. I can't however measure CO2 which is why I'm very interested in papers on the subject. Could you go a bit into depth about your experiences?
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