looking for ideas for my logo

6 Nov 2002
Brum, Brum, Brum, Brum....
I've started my own ltd company, SanityCheck IT.

whilst contracting full time i'm getting requests for websites, consultancy on various IT related issues etc. I've actually had to turn away business because of my regulars.

it seems to be going well so i've been running though some of things i want to get in place before i start doing some sites etc in anger, e.g. finalising my host, finding a decent contract for development and maintenance etc.

I should be able to pull something together on those, but one area i would love some input would be on creating a logo.

the company is called SanityCheck IT. I'm not looking for anything extravagant, but something that comes across as professional and understated. I want to use it on invoices, a website etc so it needs to be flexible.

so, anyone got some ideas on the types of font, colour schemes etc i should be looking at? i know that many people dont like it but i do like the new windows logo, but the reality is I'm open to any ideas!
just an idea i had

how about a small check box with a tick in on an angle similar to the windows logo with some text next to it simple and clean.
im at work at the moment and im no photoshop wizard but im sure i could illistrate my idea for you later when i get home if you wish.

it may look nice with a shadow effect benieth also.
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heres a quick illustration of what i was trying to explain earlyer but like i said im just a noob at all this stuff i just fancied having ago.

im sure you guys could do better than me.

ty :)

Adobe Illustrator, if you have the program, you can resize the image / play with it without losing quality - as its a vector image

Added a few more there, if you dont have AI then you can ask me for any particular size/colour combo and I can do it for you. you can use the logo as your own


feel free to donate if you would like to, paypal - [email protected]
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from an outsiders point of view that last red and blue scit logo is fab! looks professional and screams IT company to me. Would have cost you a fortune for a design agency to have done it for you so I recommend a generous donation lol
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