Looking for MB/Proc Bundle

12 Apr 2011
Hi Guys,

Wondered if anyone could help?

I'm looking to upgrade my PC, sorry at work now so can't post the exact specs.

I have an nForge Board with a Q6600 installed and a Nvidia GTX 480, 8Gb of crucial ballistix memory.

Struggling to get decent FPS in GW2 WvWvW and I suspect my Q6600 is where the improvements could be made. The board I have can't take the new i5 or i7 processors though (I don't think).

Any suggestions on a nice board/processor bundle? Don't have a lot of money to spend. I suspect I can probably re-use my graphics card & memory.....

P.S, How would I go about installing this without losing any settings, messing up drivers etc?

I'm going to pull my GTX 480 from my old board and just plug into this one, same with my Hard Drive......I actually build my machine before - but never done a board swap before.....
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