Looking for my first AV Receiver - Sub £500

11 Feb 2006
I'm looking to venture into the world of AV. So far I've managed to buy a second hand KEF KTH 3000 Series 5.1 speaker system and a new TV stand with room for an AV receiver. Now I'm just need the receiver.

I've had my eye on DENON AVRX2200W - http://www.richersounds.com/product/av-receivers/denon/avrx2200w/deno-avrx2200-blk

It was down to £379 a few weeks ago which would've been great but now it's gone up in price, is there anything else I should consider?
Now you have used it for a while have you found the issue with the volume control on the remote? When you hold the volume button it just jumps massively instead of just going up/down as you would expect, well this happens for me anyway!

I can't say I've had any issues with the volume on the remote :S
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