looking for new mp3 player

30 Jan 2004
decided to treat myself for once and am fed up of my 128mb cheapo player, so any recomendations for a decent sounding mp3 player, probably around the 20gb mark.

ive looked at the 20gb model of the iriver h10 but im slighty put off by the lack of availability of a black/grey model, id prefer it over a silver one :p

the only really criteria is that it doesnt scratch really easily....as ive read and seen with ipods, and has a reasonable battery life
Ive got an H10 and love it, woudlnt hesitate to recommend it. Lovely sound quality.

Maybe have a look at the Zen Sleek, which seems like a pretty sexeh player.

Do you have a budget or just suggest away?
ive never been a fan of budgets :p...probably why i used to always be broke

though if it helps id say ~£170, im really leaning towards the 20gb h10 atm though

whats the size like on it anway, dimensions only allow so much for picturing the size
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