Looking for new speakers to connect to both mac and PC

4 Oct 2014
Hi all,

I currently own the creative Pebble V3s, and while fine, I'm miss having better sound quality. I'm a bit stumped on where to look/ what to get, so would appreciate some recommendations. My requirements:

- MUST have multi-connectivity, I have both a mac and PC connected to my one screen. For the MAC, I use USB and for the PC I use the audio-jack right now
- Be quite small in size, I don't want big bookshelf speakers
- Budget is around £100-150
- I dont have space for a subwoofer unfortunately

Would appreciate any recommendations!
An old thread, but if you're still looking, I have just bought Some m-Audio BX3BT speakers, 140mm wide and 206mm high with stereo jack and RCA inputs, Bluetooth and headphone outputs as well.

I used Thomann for the purchase as I cannot abide Amazon and the Edifier range offered by OCUK was a little large.

You can get plenty of pretty decent desktop speakers for that budget, but the multi connectivity is the difficult part.

Have you considered the Creative T100? In budget and cover your input requirements and the reviews are pretty decent.
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Wish I'd bought these instead of the yu2s but slightly above your budget but has all the bells and whistles to go with great sound

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