Looking for some feedback on a website design for 6th form

Man of Honour
26 Dec 2003
Hey guys ive created this site for an AVCE I.C.T project and was wondering if you could have a look and give me some feedback to put in my project.
cheers for the reply i did run my html and css thorough the validater the css is fine and those errors in the html are caused by the way dreamweaver inserts flash into the page so i dont have a clue on how to fix them :confused:
A few quick points to smarten it up a bit.

Either redo the flash thing or drop it all together. The jaggedness does not look good. Have you done some weird resizing on it?

The banner is not as wide as the content or the footer. Wouldn't be much of a problem if the page was centered.

Set a width for your content, a long line is hard to read.

There is a mass of white space at the bottom of each page in Firefox and Safari. I haven't checked in Internet Explorer.
ive resized it using flash studio unfortunatly it has to be there for me to pass my corse, il have a look at fixing the rest of your suggestions after work
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