Looking for some image sorting/filtering software

28 Feb 2021
So I'm trying to find a bit of software that I can use to keyword and categorise a bunch of images that I use for 3D printing so I can manage which models are where in my collection.

What I want/need

Software that can allow me to view images and assign keywords to those images; with keywords able to form a hierarchy (eg having a creator group of keywords and within that opening out to sub-groups of individual names)
I then want to be able to view the keyword hierarchy, open and close the view of subgroups (so its not all one massive list).
Then use that displayed keyword list with a tick box filter system so that I can select one or more key words and it will display all the images that have all those keywords attached. Even better if I could toggle between all and any and also if it could toggle between include or exclude (eg so I could find all with "august 2020" but remove "Creator Steve")

I've tried Adobe Bridge and Lightroom, but their keyword filters on the tickbox system show anything that includes at least one or more of selected key words and the only way to require things to use all is to use their "find" command which requires me to know the keywords off by heart (which is not practical*)

I feel like what I'm after is really basic and a lot of image management software tries too hard to add value and do image editing and processing; meanwhile some file/folder software is just purely text based so whilst I could find the references/addresses of the images, it won't show me the images for review, which is what I need.

Can anyone recommend any freeware/cheap software that will do this?

*There's a lot of fantasy models with strange and odd names that I'm just never going to remember. I need a structured keyword list to pick from.
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