Looking for some people to do HALO 3 achievements

24 Jan 2007
As title, main one I am looking to do is the Vidmaster Challenge: Annual


Of course if there are any other Halo 3 achievements you want to do that would be cool :)

For the Vidmaster challenge I need 3 other people :)

If you are interested add my gamertag: Nath O beaN
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It's because the vidmaster achievements lead to unlocking an armour in halo 3... and anyway if people do..they do.. why have you even bothered to post something if you aren't interested lol post somewhere else please :)
Oh ok, I wasnt trying to be a grump I was just interested to know why people did them. I dont own an xbox and the acheivements in windows games seem a bit pointless like in GTA4.

Fair enough, i do agree they are 'pointless' but they do add a bit more to the game, before I would play the game beginning to end, a bit of online and not play it again, achievments add something extra so you want to carry on playing and 'really' 'complete' the game, you feel you get your money's worth this way ;)

Microsoft did talk about turing gamer points (a result of getting an achievement) into some kind of microsoft points so you could purchase things on the marketplace, however this never seemed to kick off :(
aye it did take a while didn't it :p funny as hell though lol, the best bit though was we spent like over an hour waiting and trying to find out who was lagging, because someone in my house was using the internet so i thought it might be me, and then we had an american so we thought it could be him, then we found out it was freshage/anges in a process of elimiation :p shame on you boy! :p
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