Looking for upgrade advice for gaming PC.

21 Nov 2020
I am a complete noob to gaming PC's in terms of building and/or upgrading so could use some advice fit for someone who knows pretty much nothing about pc components.

So I want to upgrade my graphics card for my PC as it is pretty outdated as far as the games recommendations I want to play. I am currently running a GeForce GTX 970 with and intel i5-6500 CPU @ 3.20GHz with 16GB or RAM and want to upgrade to a more up to date and more powerful graphics card. I have been looking at two graphics cards, the GeForce GTX 1660 and the GeForce GTX 1660 super.

So my question is, which one is better? and would it run fine with my current set up? I have heard of a thing called bottleneck don't know if this has anything to do with graphics cards. Thanks in advance.
The 1660 Super is better than the standard 1660. either should be OK.

A bottleneck in gaming happens when the CPU struggles to keep up with the GFX card or vice versa. This video explains it.

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