Looking To Build Llano Based SFF HTPC Very Soon

18 Oct 2002
Hey all,

I've decided a Llano based SFF HTPC is the way forward for me (and if my g/f likes it she might want one too!)

I've had Lian Li cases for the last wee while and love the style and construction so just wondering if a PC-Q09B would suit my purposes.

Right first thing is it needs to be quiet, i've a PC60 here at the moment and after replacing the 80mm ones with quieter fans it's still quite loud. Also needs to have a dvd-r in it (for blu-ray i have a Sony standalone player) and will have an SSD along with a larger 3.5" storage drive. Use will mainly be for surfing, music playing and very light photoshop work, so the Llano seems ideal for this.

So would this all work?

Lian Li PC-Q09FB
Llano A8-3850 (its only £'s dearer than lower ones so best getting biggest one??)
Very quiet CPU cooler??
Motherboard??? (For sound i'd like optical or hdmi (preferably both). Sound going into a Marantz AV receiver
DDR3 memory??
Silent PSU??
WD 1TB (at least) HDD for general storage

Already have NEC 20WGX2 20.1" monitor, Logitech wireless keyboard/mouse, so the rig is the only thing to think on.

Budget of around £300-£400

Many thanks for any help, appreciated
Ah right just noticed the higher power draw from the bigger Llano cpu's.

It was the Q09FB that i was looking at, but have to say the after looking further afield the Q08B is taking my fancy. Still small 140 & 120mm fans would be quiet, room for HDD's and ATX PSU, very tempting. No stock around until next month seemingly tho and defo don't want a red one lol
Cheers for that, Would even consider an i3 based system as well.

The one 2.5" sdd would be a bit restrictive, as then it's either optical or 3.5" hdd or external.

Trying to source a Lian Li PC-Q08B which seems ideal for what i'm looking for, few places have stock coming in next month according to websites.

Ah too many choices for my little brain here lol
Thanks guys, definitely something to think about. Might hold off until the Q08B becomes more available next month, seems a better choice with loads more space, and not too much bigger
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