Looking to buy a 4K HDR TV

15 Jan 2020
Hi there,

As per the title, I'm looking to buy a 4K HDR TV for my living room. I've had a 40 inch 1080P Sony Bravia LCD for about eight or nine years now and am looking to upgrade. It will be used for a bit of everything, mainly Netflix, Amazon Prime, Kodi and gaming (PS4/Switch). Ideally I want a 60 to 65 inch TV, but my budget is around £550, so if I can get a better specification in exchange for size, eg. a 55 inch TV that's much superior than a mediocre 65 inch TV, then I'd probably go that route. Incidentally, is there much difference in 55 inch vs. 65 inch if I'm moving up from a 40 inch LCD?

I'm just looking for some advice and recommendations based on my budget and requirements.

Thank you for your help.
If your prepared to go down the credit route with buy now pay 12 months you can up your budget. Just pay off monthly during the period.
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