Looking to get some Pioneer kit (DVD and Receiver)...

12 Mar 2003

I'm spying these two products for my home cinema setup:

Pioneer VSX-916-S for £250
Pioneer DV-696AV-S for £120

They seem to have everything I want in a Receiver/DVD player, and the price isn't too bad later. And Pioneer is a pretty good make I gather (not on the same level as Marantz/Yamaha/Denon, but better than Bush/Sanyo etc. I guess?!). The new kit will be replacing an old Creative decoder and an ancient JVC DVD player. Satellites are 5 x Cambridge Soundworks MC-50's paired with a Mordaunt Short MS-308 subwoofer. Main display is a Samsung LE32R41BDX.

So will these new bits fit in well with my exisiting kit, and if not is there any other kit for around the same price?! Wanting the same brand of kit for simplicity with remotes etc.

Thanks in advance :D


P.S. Need some cheap-ish speaker cabling too!
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know this isnt going to be much help but i have a pioneer vsx-609 rds and its been absolutely faultless :) for many a year. (same goes for the dvd player) great equipment imo.
good luck,
Sumanji said:
Red/Black clip terminals... does that have an effect on what amp I can get?!

i am not 100% sure but i would have though you can just stick them in the terminals and screw them down like with any other thicker speaker wire.

someone on here will know for sure. i don't see why it wouldn't work at least.
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