Looking to go into computing/IT training, advice sought

27 Jul 2015
I'm studying health sciences with the Open Uni, however I'm not enjoying it that much and regretting not going into computing like I should have. I'm pondering switching to computing when the next round of modules start (October). I'm fairly computer literate, made my own websites (html, css, a little php), taught myself Java many years ago, but have no employment experience in computing.

OU offers computing + IT degrees, and a cyber security degree (the 'glamorous' option). I feel the OU route is safe as I'm used to their structure, and I'd be starting from the ground up effectively. However I'm aware guessing the OU isn't the only game in town...

What alternative training options are out there, starting from beginner/novice, up to something to a decent level that employers want? I'm looking myself but some suggestions/experiences would be great to hear. Is a degree vital, or are other courses suitable to gain job entry? Or degree first, then on-the-job/employer backed training?

On a side, but perhaps relevant note, I'm nearing 40, and as I said no work experience in this area, is this a major drawback? I'm looking at options so I'm putting the tentacles out here, and appreciate any suggestions/advice. I want to make the switch sonner rather than later, as I'm not satisfied or happy with my current degree path. Health was picked as a 'safe' option, should have went with my gut and went with computing from the start.
I'm in Scotland, which helps in regards to no tuition fee's, and course fee's covered too from SAAS. I have no relevant experience in IT and have been out of the work place for some time due to health issues, and no transferable work experience as such. I'm getting my act together after some time of ill health, and I'm ready to go somewhere with my life, and I feel computing/IT is the best place as I tend towards that sort of stuff. I like science and the health science degree I'm on as it's interesting subject matters, but not enough to want to do it as a career.

I see there are places that offer courses and certification, cisco certification etc. However I'm starting out from a low level, so a foundational start offered by a degree might be the best. I'm guessing, I have more exploring to do. Does an OU degree in computing + IT get you far in the world these days? I read, admittedly many years ago, that the OU was in the top 10 ranked/respected uni's in UK, not least due to the self-discipline self-motivation needed to complete it.
I figure then that as I don't know what area is of particular interest, and I'm vague, the general computing and IT degree would be the best option as it should cover the bases. That said, there's one that specifies communications and networking, that sounds appealing. I have more to consider.

What do you think of the OU doing a degree for cyber security specifically? Gimmicky? http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/computing-it/degrees/bsc-cyber-security-r60 Too niche for someone without a background in IT, or a direct route in? I'm not considering it as such, just intrigued and curious.

Thanks for the feedback so far, all food for thought.
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