Looking to Upgrade £1300 budget

1 Jan 2008
My current PC spec is as follows:

Intel i7 920 (overclocked)
Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD3R Motherboard
6GB Patriot Viper DDR3
Asus Radeon HD 5870 1GB graphics card
Corsair HX 750W PSU

Monitor, keyboard and mouse not required.

The PC is now starting to struggle with reboots required etc..

I was waiting for Skylake but that does not appear as great an upgrade as many people hoped.

I would like to go to SSD for my boot drive.

Many thanks

What case and drives do you have now?

What do you use the PC for and what resolution is your monitor?

I have an Akasa Eclipse 62 case, rather battered now and the USBs are failing.

I have a Western Digital Caviar Blue 500GB boot disk and a Samsung SpinPoint F3 2TB data drive,

I use the PC for gaming, general use, internet use. Monitor is a Samsung SyncMaster T240, resolution 1920x1200.

Hope that helps.

Thanks stulid, my PSU seems to be okay even after 5 years or so! I'll be looking to upgrade soon, using my Windows 7 to upgrade to Windows 10.

Looks like we've got the same rig. Differences are, I now have an SSD and swapped my HIS 5870 for a MSI Twin Frozr 680 a couple of years back. With the 920 at 4ghz, I can't say I'm struggling with anything. Still on max settings for most at 1080p.. Why don't you buy yourself a 970 or equivalent, make sure you're getting the most out of your OC and go travelling for a couple of months with the rest :D

Failing that, stulid seems to have the answer.


Thanks for the insights. The problem is, there's something wrong with my PC somewhere, on the internet it freezes for about a minute at a time (I'm on a fast connection) and the PC crashes regularly in a BSoD. Maybe a simple re-install of the OS would help but I'm thinking I might need that partial rebuild stulid suggests.

I'm with you, as mentioned, running the same system with an SSD and a 680 and I want for nothing else.

It would be very rewarding to give a new lease of life to this oldish rig. SSD with clean install, OC from scratch, 970, oh and 12gb of RAM.

OCUK were doing bundles with this board, the 920 and Viper ram, I wonder if thats what his was. If so, the OCUK overclock settings were generic and a bit crap. I got the bundle for the price then applied my own overclock.


That's how I purchased mine, the bundle from OCUK. My OC is the one supplied with the bundle. Do you have any info on how to give my old rig a better OC?

As for M.2, not even sure the motherboard will support it! There's no option in my BIOS for SSD even!

Well, I've run the PC with no OC and the PCI set back at its default setting and regrettably the crashes and freezes are still happening.

I guess I might well require more serious upgrading!
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