looking to upgrade (spec me)

10 Jul 2008
Huddersfield/ Stokesley
Hey all atm i got a Logitech X 230 it's a 2.1 system. Im want something more, was even looking into some monitors as im going to be do computer composition, producing and also something that sounds nice when gaming. anybody got any thought's? Was thinking about spending between 100-200.
Gigabyte GP-S6500 2.0 system

lolz, I saw your budget as 10-20 not 100-200, then you have to steer clear of PC speakers, and get a set of active monitors! Lots of different brands to recommend, Yamaha come with some good models. amongst numerous others

Or then, the other option is an amp+speakers spend £100ish on each (plus speaker cable+interconnects) and have an awesome sounded system!
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