Loop Planning Help

18 Oct 2002
West Yorks
I'm currently on my first custom loop implementation. I'm crazy and skipped soft tubing and went straight to hard line! I did part one with just the CPU block to get it up and running, and now moving onto my GPU. I've got a distro block on the side of the case and will be vertically mounting my GPU. I've enclosed a picture for help.

The first run should be pretty simple. A 90 degree fitting on the GPU straight out the side towards the distro, then hopefully pretty much a simple 90 bend in the hardline tube straight into the distro. (orange line)

However the distro's 2nd hole (I think lower is the input - purple line) is going to be lower than the line that's going to come out of the GPU if I follow the same pattern. I need some way of stepping it down a few inches in a nice way. I don't think a 45 degree fitting is going to work as it only needs to come down a few inches. I'm thinking maybe I could do a 90 out of the GPU block to make the line come vertically down to point to the floor of the case, then use another 90 to rotate that round and make it head right towards the distro, and combining 20 90s like that may have the required drop.

Thoughts ? (btw if you're asking about the funny 180 bend tube - distro doesn't allow you to block off the GPU ports you have to flow between them - so knocked up a quick 180 degree bend to get my up and running white waiting to start on the GPU part)
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