Loosing Interenet on MCE

12 Feb 2006
Well i've been using MCE for some time now and had no problems with it, or something else, until recently i've been loosing my internet connection for no apparent reason. in other threads people jhave suggested spyware etc but i've recently come across why this may possibly be and need help finding a solution.

Well i noticed that the times were never simliar, and always when im not here on the pc so i can never know when it goes. Now i am finding that it happens when i leave my computer alone for a few hours, e.g. i go to work for 3.5 hours come back and its gone, however when im here it can stay forever. Now im thinking maybe its a problem with Media center or something like it e.g. Virus protection has a setting that is telling the computer to go into some idle state when not used for say 1 hour and shut down internet connections so no viruses can get in when im not here, but then after it comes out and is used again the internet connection doesnt come back. So bascially what im asking is is there a software or anything that could be set to terminate the internet connection (im using a router) after 1 hour of no use?

I currently have AVG and Avast virus checkers but none of them run as far as im aware until i ask them to, also using emule all time when on computer, ultramon and use firefox ;) dont know if that helps but thought id say anyway
oddjob62 said:
When you get disconnected from the internet are you still able to ping the router?

how would i do this?

I know that when i go to "my network places" i can no longer change any settings on that or repair it, and i get this message if i try:

"wondows could not finish repairing the problem becuase tjhe following action connot be completed. TCP/IP is not ebabled for this connection. Cannot proceed" but when it works i dont get this message
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