Lord of The Rings

19 Jan 2003
Bristol, UK
What LOTR games are available?

I imagine some sort of RTS and MMORPG?

Any details on if they are any good?

I don't have the time to play a mmorpg but perhaps there are other games?

I have just watched the 3 films for the first time. Excellent.

ROTK was 4hours long though (I have the 3 extended editions!).
you have

battle for middle-earth 1 & 2 (PC)
and Lord of the rings: war of the ring (PC)

Then you have a decent ammout of LOTR games for xbox / ps2

And the upcoming lord of the rings online mmorpg
Battle for middle earth 2 was a half decent effort at an RTS. Kept me occupied for a few hours before i realised how im repeating the same strategy every level and that in fact the different scenarios dont seem to effect how you play the game at all.
Cant comment on the first one as i havn't played it.

And yes, the films are awesome :cool:

Also have a mode ingame like Risk
Oh yeah that game mode was good fun also, only on BFME:2 though iirc
War of the Ring is a WC3 like RTS, not really my cup of tea but worth a try if you like the genre and LotR.
I didn't really like War of the ring but i really like battle for middle earth as its closer to C+C generals and i like that Huge army at your command style :)
jamie2497 said:
I didn't really like War of the ring but i really like battle for middle earth as its closer to C+C generals and i like that Huge army at your command style :)

Agreed, I liked BfME a lot better. Even the sequel.
The MMORPG LOTR game is about to be in beta, haven't heard though for if i am in the beta testing, if it is starting soon or of anyone else has heard anything yet either.

LOTRO info there about the game.

Recommend BFME, it's pretty good. Now that I've come across this thread I'm going to have to do one sitting on all 3 extended editions :D

SCM said:
The MMORPG LOTR game is about to be in beta, haven't heard though for if i am in the beta testing, if it is starting soon or of anyone else has heard anything yet either.

LOTRO info there about the game.

If that turns out well, it's going to be one hell of a MMORPG!
BFME is decent enough and it's very well polished. Once you've got a decent army (*cough* elves with flaming arrows *cough*) and a few powers then it comes incredibly easy and repetitive though.
Tunney said:
BFME is decent enough and it's very well polished. Once you've got a decent army (*cough* elves with flaming arrows *cough*) and a few powers then it comes incredibly easy and repetitive though.

True, with the elves after you've upgraded your archers to silverthorne arrows or whatever their called, they can pretty much take out anything with little fuss.
You've also got the 3 games called after each film that are kind of running beat 'em ups. Have the Return of the King on the PC and despite being a bit mindless it's enormous fun due to the sheer amount of carnage going on around you while you fight. Looks amazing too.
Does BFME2 follow on from BFME in terms of storyline etc? I.e. should one play the two games in order, or is it ok to start with BFME2?
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