Losing my memory

25 Nov 2005
I got this PC back in October, and it's recently started getting really poor loading times on Call of Duty.

Back when I first got it, the loading times on most maps was < 4-5 seconds, but now it's ~11-14 seconds.

It also managed to get 35-36s SuperPi times, now it is 42s.

The specs are:

A64 X2 4200+ (@240*10)
1GB Samsung Original (Changed from 2T to 1T, divider is 166, so still 200MHz)
GeForce 6600GT (567/1100)
MSI K8N SLI-Platinum
SB LIVE-24bit
200GB SATA Maxtor hard drive (Not sure which one, unfortunately)

This might not have any relevance, but the hard drive is 66% full.

I'd just like to know why it is doing this and how I could fix it. :)
Are you sure it's the RAM?

Checked for spyware? Viruses? Anything else that could be clogging up your system? Maybe a defrag would be good if you haven't performed one recently.

Poor loading times or SuperPi could be down to CPU, motherboard, hard drive, even software, i'd check everything else before blaming the RAM.

Hope this helps. :)
I didn't think of spyware, and loading times are dependent on RAM with the rest of the setup as it is. SuperPi times are also partially dependent on RAM, although mainly the timings.

Defragging it done regularly due to pretty much constant torrenting; a quick analyse with the Windows defragging tool shows everything is contiguous as it should be.

I'm running NOD32 and Ad-Aware at the moment; if anything is found, I'll remove it and try again. :)
I ran memtest until it got to ~7200% (Around 7 hours), and it came up with 0 errors.

NOD32 and Ad-Aware SE Pro deleted all the malware they found on my computer.

I'm still getting high loading times though - although they are only 10s now - 1.5s lower than last night.

What else could be causing this?
Boot up in diagnostic mode and see how quick it is then. My 3700 @ 3ghz runs superpi1mb 2s quicker in diagnostic mode (loading into windows is slower though). See how fast superpi is in diagnostic and that will tell you if its software or not. I also got a 170 @ 3ghz and that makes less than 0.5s difference in diagnostic mode so if you get a couple of seconds of your time and get it back down to where it was originally then it will prove its software
From what you've said i reckon its sofware related.
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