Lost 50% of my hard drive

20 Aug 2004
Running a acer laptop and i was trying to download a file and it said there was not enough disk space, when checking the drive it shows that it is 30gb :eek: instead of 60 any ideas?
Have you ever seen it say 60GB on the same screen as it's now saying 30GB, or did you just buy the laptop with it advertised as 60GB and are now shocked to find you've only got 30GB?
Have a look to what your System Restore is set to, and if needed re-set to 5% of your hard drive, Something similar happend to me a while back. hope it helps. Alan.
Clarkey said:
I know that on my sisters acer laptop there is quite bizarely 2 partitions both half the size of the disk and both of them FAT32.
That is prolly because if you select FAT32 when installing XP with the CD the maximum partition size is 32Gb
my mrs's acer had xphome but on 2x 25gb partitions with a hidden 5gb partition for recovery, shame they mess them up like this :rolleyes:

now it has nlited xp pro on it :)
I have checked via disk management and it shows that the hard drive is split between the C and D drive with 1% free on the C drive and 99% free on the D drive. :confused:
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