Lost coming to an end?

I really enjoy the show but i can see what people mean about it being slow, especially in the middle of season 2. Season 3 has been a little disappointing so far tbh, I'm not liking the whole others being normal humans thing.

Nothing can beat 24 though, Ive enjoyed every season so far and cant wait for season 6 :) . Also Prison break is a decent show, every episode has lots of action and finishes with a cliff hanger much like 24.
I don't actually like watching Lost anymore, but annoyingly I can't stop watching it just in case I miss something. I hope they finish it this next series, but I'm guessing they'll wring it out some more.
Lost was becoming something like one of those pictures where you draw the head of a person, then someone else draws the chest, and someone else draws the legs...etc. Very random almost like they are making it up as they go along.
jackgnic said:
Just out of interest, have you ever watched 24? That show has given me a lot more :eek: moments than Lost, but I definitely think Lost does have it's excellent bits when it's on form!

I watched a couple when it first started all those years ago but it never had me hooked nor has the hype since. Whereas Lost did from the get-go. :)
I think were they shoot themselves in foot with Lost is the whole time continuum requirements. As in, in the middle of 3 year of series they are what, second or third month on the island. You can only keep actors looking the same for so long. For the whole "this stuff happens every day" storyline they can't gain weight, get different shortcut, can't be casted in different movies that require styling, so on so forth. Four series will be quite enough, although I smell publicity stunt for the come back - as in they will say network has issued end date, people will riot, fans will sign petitions, press will blow it out of proportions, just what's needed for a big come back after massive break in the middle of the series (wasn't that stupid move by the network btw?)

As for 24 - this is excellent example of the series that outstayed its welcome. The plot is already moved like 5 years ahead from now, borderline ridiculous, and judging by the ..ahem... reviews of the new season DVD preview thingy.. they completely lost time continuum aspect of 24 hours. In new series people alledgedely drive from LAX to city centre in one commercial break, and the infamous never sleeping, never drinking, never eating, pooping or peeing agents perform all kinds of hyperspace stunts all across the state in matter of 3 hours, which is apparently just enough to move 3 blocks in LA in morning rush hour.

I can live with the flaws in 24 as the outcome is satisfying. Where Lost's endless fustration is torture.

Lost will end next seasons, where 24 will have another season after that. (I think)
Short of Jack being kidnapped by aliens and huge flying saucers destroying white house just so his daughter can become President I don't think 24 left any story stones unturned by now. ;)
v0n said:
As for 24 - this is excellent example of the series that outstayed its welcome.

Agreed. I loved 24 back in the days when it was on the BBC, but after trying to get into Season 3 (i think) on DVD i just couldnt. It just wasnt that great.

v0n said:
Four series will be quite enough, although I smell publicity stunt for the come back - as in they will say network has issued end date, people will riot, fans will sign petitions, press will blow it out of proportions, just what's needed for a big come back after massive break in the middle of the series (wasn't that stupid move by the network btw?)

I hadnt thought about that before, but now that you've said it i expect it will happen if they release the end-date. There's some crazy Losties out there :D

As for the break -- that wasnt a bad move at all. Apparently during the first 2 seasons, half the episodes were repeats. They randomly mixed them in because there arent enough episodes to fill the whole 'season'. I think this is why 24 starts later? The fans in America actually got them to put the gap in. Imagine sitting down to watch what you thought was a new episode of Lost, only to find out it was a repeat? Now we know exactly. Something like that anyway.

EDIT: And for all the haters, have a swifty at IGN's Top 50 Lost Loose Ends :p (It's actually a decent read for fans)
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Lost is also arguably the best TV show for the day-after work discussions. With everybody there giving their own theory on the mysteries. :D
v0n said:
As for 24 - this is excellent example of the series that outstayed its welcome.

Don't agree at all, it's still one of the biggest shows in the US and is still better than anything else on TV. Could the showhave dipped any lower than the season 1 amnesia? I think not, you constantly have to suspend belief but it's all about the action.
Goatboy said:
Don't agree at all, it's still one of the biggest shows in the US and is still better than anything else on TV. Could the showhave dipped any lower than the season 1 amnesia? I think not, you constantly have to suspend belief but it's all about the action.

I agree. My 24 low point was definitely the amnesia... closely followed by Kim and the cougar in series 2!

I think 24 has a lot of mileage left yet - the writers aren't afraid to kill characters or bring new ones in, so each series we get feels 'refreshed' in some way as there's always a new bank of main characters.

As for Lost, I think the questions it asks are inevitably going to be more exciting than the answers we get, but the problem at the moment is that it's giving us too many questions for us to even comprehend.
sup3rc0w said:
...coz they really cannot keep stringing us along like this.
Indeed, I gave up on Lost half way through the 2nd series as nothing was happening! I'm a big fan of TV series - 24, Firefly, Battlestar, West Wing, Prison Break, Spooks etc (but not the alien, vampire rubbish that is Buffy, Alias, Roswell etc). Lost, I just couldn't cope with however.
v0n said:
As for 24 - this is excellent example of the series that outstayed its welcome.
Can't agree with that - day 5 was fantastic.
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