Lost iphone 13 pro - get a placeholder or latest iphone?

16 Oct 2020
Hi All,

Went on holiday recently and had the unfortunate experience of losing my phone which was an iphone 13 pro 256GB Sierra Blue. I bought it when it was released in 2021. Until this incident took place I had no intention of upgrading to the latest iphone as I am not the type of person to change their device each year. However, since I am without a device I now have a dilemma, either buy an old refurbished iphone now and wait till the next iphone is released in 2025 or just upgrade to the latest iphone 16 pro now. It is not something I follow, but I understand the iphone 17 may is likely to have even better features but no idea how much of a step it will make in improvements. Furthermore, I understand that much of the advertsied features of ios18 for the iphone 16 will not be available until 2025. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
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