Lost my skillz

18 Oct 2002
Its finally happened, having a girlfriend and a decent job have totally and utterly n00bified me. I cant even seem to grasp the basics.

With this in mind I have decided to buy a new mouse. I have my eyes on the Logitech G5 as i have always found i play better with a wired mouse than a wireless. Is this going to help me get my skillz back? Any one else use this mouse?

I am currently using a Microshaft Wireless Optical Mouse with no extra buttons or anything.

I think im gonna have to go on the dole and dump the misses as well but thats a thread i will start in GD ;)

I had ordered the g5 already but canceled earlier as it is taking too long (when u pay for next day delivery you expect next day delivery!) i may look around for the Mx518 then if u think the G5 is overkill. The only reason i miss having a convenient side button is so it can be set as the sprint button in ET. I can preform trick jumps far easier then!

I used to dabble in a bit of ET ;) i think its about time i pulled an all nighter..... and guess what! im off work tommorow. Be back at 3 am for a quick natter and a coffee ;)

Cheers guys

/edit argh bad example. thats just shows me on an arty whoring mission lol

/double edit im sucking at COD2 and ET tbh
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Ive decided to train her up instead of kick her out in the rain. I got her on COD2 the other day and after about 20 minutes of trying to grasp movement she finally shot off a clip, missed completely and died dreadfully..... im going to start her training with a blast from the past. I think MOHAA single player will give some some valuable skills. Then move onto ut2k4 to get used to high speed. then onto online gaming. any other games u can think of that will aid her training?


Smitho3 says:
then went onto an older but more fun game called ET (enemy territory)
°¤«.·´¯`·.»¤° K-le °¤«.·´¯`·.»¤° says:
Smitho3 says:
oh dear
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i tried a good ole boomslang back in the day and just cant get used to the length and feel of them mice. I prefer a shorter chubbier mouse.
well ive been playing COD2 on and off but never really got good at it. i havnt been hardcore for about 6 months and im now pretty much usless.
Well i have weighed up the pro's and cons and finally decided on the mx518. Its sitting here proudly attatched to my pc as we speak. Its going to take some getting used to but i must say its ******* awsome! The ability to change mouse sensitivity on the fly is an awsome feature. I am going to have to get used to having side buttons again now though. Shouldnt take too long :)

Thanks for the advice guys.
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