Lost my wallpaper folder but Windows still showing them. Where can I find them?

23 Apr 2007
Cardiff-ish, Wales
Hello all,

I had a folder of wallpapers on my desktop that I had relocated to my D drive. I selected all the images then set to desktop wallpaper so that they would randomly change over time. I have just reinstalled Windows and upgraded to Windows 11, from 10, but the folder has disappeared. However, the wallpaper slideshow is still working, so Windows must have them stored somewhere. Any idea where I can find them?


Where it's pulling them from is stored in the registry but as it's in binary you'll either need something to make it readable or you could just use a bit of powershell.
$WPFolder=(Get-ItemProperty 'HKCU:\Control Panel\Desktop' TranscodedImageCache).TranscodedImageCache
I've found the DesktopBackground folder in my AppData folder. Unfortunately it just cached a handful of my images.

Can anyone recommend an ideally free data recovery program? Might be worth a try...
If you've reinstalled Windows and upgraded to Windows 11, from 10, there'll be very little chance of recovering anything usable as you've probably written over the data at least twice by now.

That is unless you're talking about the folder you relocated to your D: drive but then (afaik) Windows setup/install/upgrade wouldn't typically delete files on a drive that it's not installing to/on.
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Yeah, that's what I thought. The weird thing is that I always remap my Documents, Downloads, Photos, Desktop etc to the D drive so that they're safe when I reformat my C drive. Something must have gone wrong at some point. I'm kicking myself for not backing it up elsewhere. It definitely slipped through the cracks.
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You've probably already searched the drive for images so i guess your best hope is to try a data recovery program, i wish i could recommended one but I've never had much success with them myself so hopefully other posters can make some suggestions.
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