Lost prophets..anything similar?

25 Sep 2006
A guy at work brought a home made CD in to work which we listened to, as there werent many customers. A few songs I liked included Last train home, and Fake sound of progress. Do they have any similar songs that sound sort of the same, or are there any other groups with similar content?

Normally I listen to R&B and soul, along with some chillout, The occasional bit of D&b and what i call Gangsta Rap, lol

Doesnt hurt to broaden my horizons! :p

Thanks in advance guys

Benny C
lostprophets are killer going to see them in a month or so. Check out songs like 'Gothic' off Start Something, and 'Everybody's Screaming' off their new album Liberation Transmission aswell as the songs n band already mentioned!
tuckenator said:
lostprophets are killer going to see them in a month or so. Check out songs like 'Gothic' off Start Something, and 'Everybody's Screaming' off their new album Liberation Transmission aswell as the songs n band already mentioned!

same just got tickets today for the MEN arena
cokecan72 said:
imy fav lost prophets song has to be Shinobi vs Dragon Ninja :)
That's the only half decent song they've released, the rest has been average at best by the numbers nu-rock (or whatever you want to call it).
Woody__ said:

when i listen to decemberunderground and compare it to something like liberation transmission, to me they do have that same kind of sound

miss murder especially sounds like a LP kinda thing :)
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