Lost PW



3 Oct 2003
Hi, I have a macbook pro here with OSX 10.7.2 on it.

For some reason I can't seem to add an account to it, everytime I try it keeps on logging in with the original account and the original account won't delete.

I've tried the autologin option too but it won't work also tried the command and s tip at startup to add a new admin account, the account is added but the old account keeps logging in.

Whats going on here?
If I rlight click in the top right corner I can switch to different users but whenever I try log out the original one it wont log out.
I'm not quite understanding the issue but for what I think it is

if you go to users accounts in system prefs....

Then click on login options there's an option to remove auto login there.

else if you boot up with the the alt (option) key held down, that will give you the boot menu, and choice the lion recovery partition. once booted you can choice the account manager option and delete the master admin account, then create a new one.

Or you can enable the root admin account, then logout of the admin account into root (do not switch users) and then delete the account.
Hi, basically what was happening was that when I added a new account and selected it for auto logon or turned auto logon off it would just boot up into account X.

So in the end I managed to remove account X and delete its folder, so I've just restarted it and now its trying to log into the non existent account X and just hangs there.

How can I fix this mess guys..
So no matter which account you created it would still auto login to the old account? I've not experience this before, I think it may have something to do with the auto restart program tick box at logoff/shutdown diag box. Or it may be something to do with the bootstrap login hook script. I need to have a play to try cause the issue on a machine at work, it's just a matter of trying to find the time :/ .
No install dvd, how do I do the first option? I know command and s will bring up the terminal but how would I do the rest?
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