Lost sound in Bioshock?

Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
West Coast of Scotland
Got a bit of a weird problem here - I recently used auto update in Vista to install some new Realtek drivers for my onboard sound and it would appear that since that point I have lost the game sound in Bioshock. The menu sound works fine, it's just within the game. I can't understand it - sounds are working perfectly well in TF2 and Red Orchestra, and within windows too.

I can't rollback the drivers, (menu is not available) and I have tried installing the original drivers, to no avail.

One point of interest, in Bioshock, the EAX menu is not available to select - on or off, is this correct?

Edit, ps. Can someone recommend a nice good quality EAX soundcard?
Okay tried the OpenAL thing - installs but hasn't made any difference.
I haven't got Soundback installed, only Realtek HD Audio Manager according to the control panel.

There are two entries in the device manager for my sound card - there is a High Def Audio Device and the Realtek Hi Def Audio Device - why?

Bioshock was working fine in XP Pro - I haven't had it working properly in Vista.
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