LOTR Online: Shadows of Angmar Beta sign up has begun

17 Nov 2004
The Republic
Taken from GameSpot

The launch of the official European Web site for The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar has been announced by Codemasters Online Gaming. The game lets players undertake solo adventures or create online fellowships to fight the battle for Middle-earth within a landscape that takes in both the Shire and Angmar.

The site, www.lotro-europe.com, will be offering content for the massively multiplayer online role-playing game in English, German, and French and will feature localized forums.

Sign-ups for the European and North American beta programs have also begun today. European gamers can sign up at www.lotro-europe.com/beta-signup.php. US gamers can sign up at http://lotro.turbine.com/betasignup.

Ed Blincoe, product marketing manager at Codemasters Online Gaming, commented: "Launching the website, complete with the opportunity for our community to sign up for the beta, shows Codemasters' commitment to The Lord of the Rings Online. This is just the beginning of a concerted effort to make sure people who are excited about the game will be able to get into the beta and experience the amazing world that Turbine has created."
I am having terrible problems trying to sign up. With firefox the form is mixed with the web site and with I.E some options do not show up.
I had that in IE. Basically I put the bare minimum in terms of games played to Shooters and it went trough ok with the email validation arriving pretty much straight away.

Still not heard if I have been accepted for the Beta though
Thanks for the heads up have signed up as well although avoid saying you play football games. As a section following the games type list asking you which team you support and where doesn't work yet.

Thanks for giving me a heads up, been reading up on this in magazines and it looks pretty cool, fingers crossed we all get a chance :D
I think they'd be bound by NDA not to discuss beta or their participation in beta.

On other betas I've been involved with - those were the rules and near release they lifted the NDA to generate the maximum interest on upon the game's release.
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