Lots of FEC errors, what does it mean?

28 Mar 2006
Winsford, Cheshire
Looking at the stats for my router I noticed a lot of FEC errors, what do they mean. My router stats are below for reference.

Link Information

Uptime:	3 days, 18:29:25

DSL Type:	ITU-T G.992.5

Bandwidth (Up/Down) [kbps/kbps]:	1.078 / 17.388

Data Transferred (Sent/Received) [MB/GB]:	897,33 / 1,99

Output Power (Up/Down) [dBm]:	12,2 / 20,8

Line Attenuation (Up/Down) [dB]:	6,3 / 13,0

SN Margin (Up/Down) [dB]:	4,5 / 3,1

System Vendor ID (Local/Remote):	TMMB / ----

Chipset Vendor ID (Local/Remote):	BDCM / TSTC

Loss of Framing (Local/Remote):	0 / 0

Loss of Signal (Local/Remote):	0 / 0

Loss of Power (Local/Remote):	0 / 0

Loss of Link (Remote):	-

Error Seconds (Local/Remote):	8 / 0

FEC Errors (Up/Down):	7.289 / 143.998.495

CRC Errors (Up/Down):	16.172 / 8

HEC Errors (Up/Down):	12.097 / 5
Looks ok. I would say however that with an attenuation of 13dB you should syncing at over 20Mbit given no line issues.

FEC errors are to do with error correction, something which is used with interleaving on ADSL lines.
average of 26,666 fec errors a minute. i'd call that excessive. lots of crc and hec errors too. interleaving is struggling on that line.
i had a similar thing happen when using the dongle line filter that came with the netgear routers. the fec count dropped massively when changing to either the x1fe or them cheapo non dongle filters.
another thing that may stop the high errors is to resync at midday to get a lower speed as the SN margin seems low.
Hmm actually that is pretty high. I read it as thousands not millions for some reason. A FEC error is acceptable as part of interleaving but the only reason it occurs is because some data has been lost or corrupted.

You may be nursing a problem on the line, which would also explain the lower sync speed than you would expect for your line attenuation.
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