Loughborough University what a load of cack

26 Oct 2002
I did an MSc Ergonmics there and a lot of the tuition was RRRRRRubbish :mad:

Chief losers were *********** and ********** (who didn't understand basic experimental design) ** set work and marked and it was never seen by anyone else and he didn't have a clue grrrr ! :mad:

Ken Eason was a great lecturer though.

What really annoys me is that they have a high mark for there tuition which is rubbish.

Oh yeah they had feedback forms with no real provision for anonimty grrr what a waste of time.
Yeah tell them they are rubbish and get 0 out of 20 for all coursework :rolleyes:

Oh yeah ************ my tutor refused to write me a reference too


There I feel better now went there ten years ago

I went to Hatfield Poly (BSc Psychology) too and that was great tuition apart from one lecturer in 3 years but there is always one

Dr Beryl Starr is great head of year :)

We had feedback forms properly anyonmous ratings ABCD etc. great ! I said Dr B. Starr was great and she was promoted
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That was ten years ago though but still :D

Oh yeah I did MSc Ergonomics ( fitting the task to the man) and on the wall in computer centre there was a big long procedure for saving work which was v. dificult to follow, consequently many people lost there work :rolleyes:

and Loughborough supposed to be the centre of the Universe for Egonomics easy to use etc.

Sports facilities were good though not that I did any (not well enough !)
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