Love Film, referrals?



31 Jul 2006
Not sure if this is allowed, but I have two, 2 months free worth £38, i dont get anything directly so no profit. I only get put in a prize draw, so if anybody wants these, email in trust.

Only serious people please.

Mods if this is not allowed please delete.
Does not say on the letter, it just says 2 months free. I would not normally bother with these but its quite a saving.
I just noticed someone is trying to sell these FREE cards on the MM, so before watching some ***** flog something you get for nothing for money I'd bump this in case anyone wants my free ones?

I was always told MM profiteering wasn't allowed but there you go.
I have two as well if anyone is interested. Says its for 2 months. I'm guessing it's the same as others where we're both entered into a prize draw.
email in trust :)

1 left now :) I might have another lurking somewhere but not sure if it's still in date.
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