Love this case

2 Dec 2004
Under The Desk, Wales
I really love this case. I know it is from the purple shirt place. Anyone know the name of the pictured case? I would love to buy one!!

get this instead! sorry its huge

I know it is an PB case. Mate has the system and the case is really nice and great for an ITX system.
AFAIK it's just a simple generic by PB. Never seen them on resale, though probably poses as a good thing, as they are very naff for cooling.
wtb lian li spider media pc :( is it actually being made for retail or just a gimmick?

- edit: i should google before i post ^^ its only about 80 quid. damn im so tempted....
wtb lian li spider media pc :( is it actually being made for retail or just a gimmick?

- edit: i should google before i post ^^ its only about 80 quid. damn im so tempted....


i'd rather make a gimik case that actually has some use, not a gimik case that just makes me feel like a gimp for buyin it. but then i'm a practical guy.
nah, modular power supply and go ott with coloured sleeving it would look pretty nice if done properly. though you would probably have to cut and shorten a lot of ATX psu lines to stop it looking like a rasta spider.

I understand that its not going to be to everyones taste but i would seriously consider it as a gaming rig if they made a p67 mitx board that could handle 1600mhz ram instead of 1333. ive got a pile of bits sitting at home without a mobo or cpu yet. for some reason despite my desk space being at a premium i would almost be fatherly proud to have something so strange sitting on my desk :P
there is one on fleabay if you search for:


currently at £5.50 good luck with it, its a whole PC not a single case
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