Low cost stereo microphone

15 Feb 2003
I'm happy with the internal sound on my A7, but I need something that I can use with a deadcat to prevent/reduce wind noise when outdoors.

I don't record interviews or anything like that. I'm more wanting to record ambient sounds on my videos such as stream, or a motorcycle passing by etc.. hence the need for the mic to be stereo.

In addition, I'd also like to be able to use it with the NEX5 and AS100 so that rules out the Sony ecm-xyst1m (what a mouthful).

Any suggestions?
Well I presume that stero is much better for ambient sounds on B-roll. Especially If I'm recording vehicles passing by, they will enter the left channel and leave the right. Mainly I'll be messing about on some salt flats with it.

The Sony ecm-xyst1m is about £90 so that's the max of my budget. I could get a zoom H1 but it's a bit of a faff since really it's an external recording device, though can be used a microphone in it's own right.

The Rode video mic X is a brilliant piece of kit (saw the Philip Bloom video using it), but since I'm actually happy with the internal sound from the A7, it would be major major over kill.

I just want to kill the wind noise, and can't use a micro muff on the body due to the position of the internal stero mics.
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